Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quick Update

I am back in Greenville and officially done with Step 2/all my academic requirements before I leave for Africa in five days (that number kinda scares me, if I can be honest)! Thank you all for your prayers and support! I think it went well. We will see.

Fun fact from the trip: that was the first time I was referred to as "Dr. Meyer" by someone other than my patients. What's funny is that each time someone referred to me that way, I felt the urge to correct them. That being said, I didn't. I kinda liked the way it sounded.

My plan for the next five days (in case you were wondering) is to get all the details from the trip taken care of and all of the loose ends tied up. We'll see how that goes. I have my doubts...details aren't really my thing.

I will probably be back in Wilmington on Friday, and will likely stay there until I leave for Raleigh on Tuesday.

If you think to pray for me, please pray that I would be truly self-forgetful...and that I would take care of all the details that need to be taken care of.

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